
While studying at Melbourne University Sharon became aware of the beauty of nature in the world of microscopic plant cells. She designed and developed artwork and complimenting ranges of fabric which captures and mirrors the essence of nature’s hidden wonder.

Shortly after her study Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer along with a long time client and now friend, and also another mutual friend. Her sister in law had been diagnosed with breast cancer, twice, within a time frame of eight years. It seems breast cancer is an epidemic, as one in eight people, both men and women in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

While researching breast cancer, Sharon did not want to fill her head with negative images, she is a firm believer in the power of visualisation.  Having researched and developed techniques necessary to bring the magic of individual plant cells to print form she began to experiment with human cells. Sharon’s desire to help others going through their breast cancer journey has led her to capture the innate loveliness of healthy breast cells, these magnificent images are available as prints and as a magical pattern to grace the outside of stainless steel BPA free bottles. For breast cancer survivors and others touched by this insidious disease. Sharon believes the imagery of heathy breast cells will encourage healthy breast tissue. Proceeds from sales of the stainless steel bottles and artwork is forwarded to breast cancer research.

For artwork images please contact Sharon at       

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